Chocolate Sponge Cake Technique

This video shows you the proper techniques for creating a light and airy chocolate sponge cake whose chocolate flavor comes solely from cocoa powder, and shows you the results when choosing between two very different types of cocoa powders for a recipe that relies only on air (i.e., no baking powder or baking soda) to provide rise. You’ll learn many tips and hints throughout the video from the chef as he walks you through the recipe step by step to guarantee your success with this deliciously chocolaty and airy sponge cake that can be used in many ways.

Cocoa powder choices can be confusing. Sometimes the choice can make a critical difference (such as for recipes relying on acidic ingredients to react with chemical leaveners such as baking powder or baking soda), but other times the choice is less critical. Either way, you need to understand your choices among cocoa powders and the impacts they will have on your recipes. Be sure to watch until the end for a particularly interesting discovery between the two cocoa powders used in the video (hint: it relates to measurement by volume) and a conclusion that opens up the door for creativity with this and other recipes!

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